
Dinner SOHA 2022
Image from SOHA 2022 conference with Summer Cherland and Mr. Cherland, Carlos Lopez, Midge Dellinger, Farina King, Sarah Moorhead, Franklin Howard, Juan Coronado, Angela Moor, Anthony Graham, Katie Singer, and Matthew Green.


The Southwest Oral History Association (SOHA) was founded in 1981 to serve practitioners of oral history in Arizona, Southern California, Nevada, New Mexico and contiguous areas.

Through publications, meetings, workshops and special events, SOHA supports and promotes oral history as a method for exploring and recording history, culture, and current experiences in the Southwestern United States.  In this endeavor the association cooperates with other organizations and institutions in the region, and it maintains close ties with the national Oral History Association

Membership in SOHA provides meaningful opportunities for participation in the exchange of information and the discussion of matters of common concern among those interested in oral history throughout the Southwest region.

membership renew your SOHA membership online thru eventbright ONLINE MEMBERSHIP ACTIVATION/RENEWAL
Print membership form and mail to:
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway Box 455020
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5020

SOHA’s membership includes professional oral historians, public historians, students, teachers, genealogists, family historians, volunteer interviewers, archivists, librarians, individuals, and community programs interested in oral history.  Institutional and community members include oral history programs, universities, libraries, archives, historical societies and museums.

Learn more about the organization and procedures through the following linked documents:

SOHA Constitution and Bylaws (updated 2021)

SOHA Procedures Manual (updated 2020)

Annual Meetings
Held in the spring, the SOHA annual meeting offers a variety of experiences valuable to the membership including introductory and advanced workshops, session topics of both general and professional interest, presentation of awards, the annual business meeting and election of officers.

Subscription to the SOHA Newsletter

The SOHA Newsletter, issued three times a year, contains regional news, articles by oral historians about oral history, reviews, trends, and discussions of oral history concerns at all levels.

SOHA Member Directory Listing
The directory is published and sent to all current members on a biannual basis via E-mail (unless otherwise specified by the individual member).
It is also available by electronic means to current members.  It is SOHA policy not to distribute or sell either our membership list or newsletter to other organizations.

Training Workshops and Special Events
Workshops focus on practical approaches and solutions to problems common to the practice of oral history.  Other events may include regional tours to places of historic interest, lectures and book reviews.

Members are encouraged to become involved in one of the SOHA standing committees (Annual Meeting, Membership, Grants/Scholarships), develop projects, and to expand the potential of the Southwest Oral History community through organizational leadership positions and elected office. SOHA values the energy and ideas that new members bring to the association.

1. Annual Meeting
2. Newsletter
3. Website Presence
4. Scholarships and Grants
5. Annual Awards
6. Outreach Programs
7. Regional & State Programming

1. Annual Individual $35
2. Student $20
3. Individual Lifetime $250
4. 2-Year Individual Membership $65
6. SOHA Community Partners $100
7. SOHA Corporate Partners $350
8. SOHA Institutional Partners $350

Membership Dues APPLY only for the calendar year—so join early!

Questions: soha@unlv.edu